Friday, May 04, 2007

Dumb Mommy Moments

Honestly, I feel over the last few weeks I have had too many dumb mommy moments. Maybe I am being too hard on myself, but even when I was a sleep deprived new mom I have never felt this disorganized. Where do I begin? Last week, I packed Truman in the car and we headed to Salsa. I was so happy that we were going to be early so it would give me some time to feed Truman before class. I unloaded the stroller, put Truman in it and started towards Loblaws when I realized I had left the Baby Bjorn at home. Dumb Mommy Moment Number 1. So, I put Truman back in the car, unfolded the stroller and drove home breaking every speed limit, ran into the house, grabbed the carrier and raced back to Bayview Village. I only missed a few minutes....good thing we live so close!

Yesterday Truman has his swimming at about 10:20am I wake him up from his nap and then dress him in his swimsuit (I am already wearing mine). I've had a pounding headache all morning, even after my caffeine fix. Pack up the stroller and we're on our way to the community center. I look at my watch when we arrive and notice we're a little early. So we sit outside and look around and play for a little. I approach the reception to let them know we've arrived. She looks at me as though I am the stupidest mommy on the planet. She asks me why I am there and I tell her we're here for our lessons. She looks up our information on the computer and tells us that our lessons are at 10am not 11am. She then looks at the attendance sheet, because she probably can't believe how dumb I am...and then she blurts out "You've been here before!"....well, yes, yes we have been before (about four times already but whose counting?)....yes ladies and gentlemen this is my Dumb Mommy Moment Number 2. The only thing that made me feel better was my tall non-fat latte from Starbuck's. Please stay tuned for more DMM's! I am sure I have not seen the last of them!

More importantly, how's Tdot? Truman has been such a little ham lately....he loves to mimic everything we do whether it is nodding our head, clapping (he loves to clap), or making certain sounds. It is honestly so adorable I want to eat him up! He's also started to move. He will scoot in circles on him bum and move backwards on his tummy...although he still gets frustrated very quickly. He's also been a very clingy baby over the last two days...he's often grabbing at my legs if I try to get up off the floor and always reaching for me with his arms. Don't get me wrong, I love it, but it's difficult to get anything done!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...


Believe it or not I had an identical experience with swimming class last year this time with Christine. I showed up what I thought to be a half an hour early, only to discover that I was actually a half an hour late and of course everyone else was already in the pool staring at me. It's a great feeling! Looking forward to the zoo tomorrow,