Wednesday, September 27, 2006

4 Weeks Young!

Yesterday Truman turned 4 weeks old, I can't believe how fast time is going by!!! Truman loves his tummy time and tries to shimmy down the change table, he is such a strong (and hungry) boy! Last night Truman visited his aunt Lana and uncle Mario to congratulate them on their marriage. We also think that Truman gave Lana his first smile - the little guy is already becoming a flirt. Today we are going to our one month appointment to see if Tman has gained some more weight...he feels so much heavier.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Truman's First Date

Macayla, Bronna and Jeff came over for a visit yesterday and we sat outside enjoying the last few days of pleasant weather. Truman and Macayla had their first date, but were chaperoned by Steve, obviously Truman was not happy about this situation!!!

Today, great grandmother Babcia is coming over to say hello and to dispense 90 years worth of wisdom. Depending on how we are feeling, we may also introduce Truman to Olivia as another potential girlfriend although her big brother Ethan may have something to say about it!!!

And soon, grandpa Topolski is going to fly in from Poland for a week. Truman can't wait to learn how to smoke.

Monday, September 18, 2006

My New Chair

Truman got a new bouncy chair today and he decided NOT to be fussy while in it! It seemed to me that he liked the music and vibrations...and I was happy that he stayed in the chair for about 10 minutes before he wanted to be picked up again!! Truman always wants to be held by someone...he especially loves to fall asleep on your chest as you can see he fell asleep on Oopa! My sweet boy! I truly cannot get enough of him!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Truman's First Post

Today Truman is 16 days old and each day I am learning more and more about being a mother! Wow what an experience it is turning out to be! Truman was a busy boy and hopefully mom didn't push herself too much. We went for a walk with Morrie, Nanny and Oopa to Canada's finest coffee place - Tim Horton's (even though mom loves Starbucks). After another feed (I think feeding will be my life for the next year) we then went to Toys R Us. Truman has been enjoying sleeping and eating today. Tonight he will be watching his first episode of mom and dad's favourite show - Survivor! We can't wait to explain what tribal council is all about!