Tuesday, May 29, 2007

9 Months Today

Today Truman turned 9 months! This morning we went to Salsa (we were a few minutes late because I wanted to take these pictures!) and then we walked around Bayview Village for a little bit and of course had a coffee with the other Salsa moms at Starbucks! Today Truman "mastered" blowing a kiss. He saw Jerry blow a kiss to Morrie this morning and he copied his daddy right away. He doesn't always imitate on demand, in fact many times he leaves me hanging! It is amazing how fast these little ones can pick things up!

Truman over the last few days is really enjoying standing (without my help) while holding on to things, and really likes only to hold on with one hand. He also likes me to help him walk and chase Morrie around the house. At Gymboree yesterday Truman stood on his own for a good 10 seconds. I think we will have a walker on our hands soon. Crawling? Not interested!

1 comment:

Misty said...

His hair is so cute when it's parted and combed to the side! (It's very a la George/Brad.)