Monday, January 29, 2007

5 Months!

Today Truman turned 5 months, time is definitely going by too quickly! Truman is really learning how to use his voice and has started squealing in delight. He especially likes to giggle and squeal when Morrie comes into view. Truman has begun to notice Morrie and tries to reach out to pet him. Morrie however, is now afraid of Truman, maybe one day they will be friends!

We think Truman may be teething again, he is displaying all the same signs as last time....drooling, rosy cheeks and chewing anything he can get his hands on! We'll soon see...Truman has also begun to suck his thumb in the past few weeks, I think it helps soothe his gums!

This weekend was quite a busy one...Friday night we relaxed at home as Jerry has been working very long hours and needed some rest and relaxation. Saturday, Truman and I met up with Tina for some shopping and coffee. We then picked Jerry up at the subway and went to Tim and Katie's for a delicious dinner. Truman got a little fussy at the end of the night but was on pretty good behaviour. Sunday we met up with Pam and Ashu for brunch. Sunday night we had Jake, Ryan, Rebecca, Macayla, Jeff and Bronna over for make your own pizza night. The three kids had a lot of fun playing, but at around 7:30pm all three had enough and were ready for bed, making for an early night! Next time we'll have to start a little earlier.

Do you think Truman will play soccer, football or basketball?

Thursday, January 25, 2007

A Week in Review

Truman and I have had a fun and busy week. Tuesday afternoon we visited Jenn for was really nice seeing Jenn again and catching up! After lunch, Truman and I met with Emily and Grace for a nice afternoon walk to Loblaws. Wednesday morning Truman and I met with Jake, Rebecca, Bronna and Macalya for our "Making the Connection" class...which we have decided to drop out of because the class ended up not being what we were interested in. We then went to Milestones for lunch and the kids were all on their best behaviour! You can see Truman and Macayla in the attached picture....the two of them were very interested in each other and kept grabbing looked like they were trying to hug it was so sweet! After lunch Nanny and Oopa came over for their weekly visit. Today Truman and I went to Mommy Movies and saw Dreamgirls. Truman seemed to enjoy the movie, he had such bright eyes through most of it, but he eventually got tired and took a much needed nap. We invited Alison and Alexis over for dinner tonight. Alexis has so much hair, her sqealing and crawling is so adorable. Truman and Alexis had fun playing together and I am sure they are going to have more fun as the years go on.

Truman has been rolling a lot this week, he seems to get a little frustrated however as he gets caught half way there. Poor thing! He just needs a little more practice. Truman discovered his toes today and even sat on his own for a few short moments. He also went almost 12 hours without feeding last night! I can hardly believe how much our life has changed in the last few weeks! I am really enjoying watching him grow and learn, he makes me so incredibly happy!

Monday, January 22, 2007

The Weigh In: Part Four

Truman had his 5th month check up this morning and he is weighing in at 7.21kg (just shy of 16lbs) and is 67cm, he is in the 80% percentile for height! I wonder if he is going to be tall? Truman is obsessed with putting his soother in and out of his mouth and he especially enjoys chewing on the ends.

Yesterday we bought Truman his high chair (as you can see in the picture). The high chair is so cool and comes with a DVD to show you the different seating options. So far he seems to enjoy being in it. I am sure he is ready to start solids at any time, but we'll be waiting until he is 6 moths to begin the fun!

Anya, Wolf and Joachim are safely back in Belgium. We had a lovely visit with them and Joachim is going to be greatly missed! Friday night we had another lovely dinner at Wawa and David's house with many guests who wanted to see the boys. Aunt Danka made a special trip to Toronto to meet the cousins. She is such a natural with children and both Truman and Joachim seem to really like her. Truman has been shortening our outings lately as he wants to be in bed by around 8 o'clock. He has slept through the night (without waking or wanting to be fed) for just over a week now. Jerry and I have so much free time on our hands we don't know what to do. We have rented a lot of movies and have been catching up on sleep ourselves!

Saturday, Truman and I met up with Misty for some shopping at the Eaton Center. Truman was in such a great mood and was having lots of fun being carried by Misty everywhere! Yesterday we went to the Sullivan's for Stephanie's birthday brunch. Stephanie looks great and the baby has popped...what a beautiful belly! It was great seeing the gang again and I hope Tim and Katie were not sick of all the baby talk! Uncle Scott helped Truman stand alone for the first time on Sunday...we are so proud of our little son!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

All Night Long...

Truman started sleeping again in his crib on Friday night and as I mentioned in a previous blog he was having a little difficulty. Last night however, he slept through the night! Jerry and I were both so pleased! He was a little fussy at around 3am, but we decided to push him a little more and the next thing I knew it was 5:30am! I hope tonight is a repeat performance. He fell asleep so quickly this evening, basically I put him down and he was asleep in less than 2 minutes! My son is sleeping in his crib and sleeping well!!! It is also really nice having Jerry back in our bed. Although, tonight I am alone as Jerry is in Montreal.

Truman and I have had a busy week so far. Sunday afternoon Wawa had a party for Joachim and Truman. Both boys were on their best behaviour and loved being center of attention. Thanks Wawa for hosting such a wonderful party, it was so nice to see everyone again. On Monday we had Salsa Babies and had a great time dancing with Joachim and Anya. Truman and I are going to miss them next week as they are heading back to Belgium on Saturday. Tuesday Truman and I had some errands to run during the day and then we headed to aunt Misty's house to have our "Christmas"....yes it is a few weeks late but between colds and busy schedules we finally got together for our gift exchange. Once again, Truman was a spoiled boy! This morning we were up bright and early for a new group called "Making the Connection" with Rebecca, Jake, Bronna and Macayla. Then of course we went out for lunch and the kids were wonderful! Truman insisted on being out of his car seat so he could look around and chat with everyone. Macayla and Jake both were angels. Nanny and Oopa then came over for a visit and we went for a nice walk in the beautiful sunshine!

Saturday, January 13, 2007


Truman has had a rather relaxing's a quick recap! On Monday we started our next session of Salsa Babies. Truman is definitely heavier and I can completely feel a difference when I dance with him! Anya and Joachim joined us as well and we had a lot of fun. Tuesday Tina came over for a visit, and on Wednesday Nanny and Oopa came for a visit...such a popular boy. Thursday was my book club night so I had a few hours without my son. Jerry was looking forward to some father-son bonding time....unfortunaltey Truman decided to use that time for a much needed nap! Truman has been having a lot of difficulty napping since his teeth have come in and as a result he is a little more cranky than usual! Last night we went to Wawa and David's house for Shabbat dinner again. We were joined by Voytek and Noemi, who loved holding the cousins. As you can see, Truman is wearing a baby yamaka! He is ready to embrace his Jewish heritage.

Last night Truman started sleeping in his crib again! He slept in two four hour chunks and hardly woke up (just a couple of times) and now prefers to sleep on his side, which makes me less nervous! We will see how tonight unfolds! Have a nice weekend!

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Truman's Second Tooth

Truman received his second tooth today...I can't believe it...or rather I don't want to believe it! Two teeth in two days! He is also trying desperately to sit up by himself...
Let me tell you a little bit about this weekend....Anya, Wolf and Baby J came in on Friday from Alaska. Considering their long travels, the family was doing very well. Joachim has changed so much in two weeks....he is such a happy and content little baby. Such a sweetheart! As well, Gabrysia came in from Chicago to meet the two cousins. We had a lovely Shabbat dinner with beautiful singing and yummy food. A good time was had by all! On Saturday afternoon Jerry, Truman and I met up with Anya, Wolf and Joachim and had lunch at Bayview Village and then walked around the mall for a bit. In the evening we all rented a movie (My Super Ex-Girlfriend) and ordered some pizza....delish! This morning we were back at Wanda and David's for a lovely brunch. This afternoon Tina, Truman and I will be going for a walk and definitely getting some coffee. I haven't been sleeping well the last few nights and neither has Truman. I am assuming he's had difficulty sleeping due to his teeth coming in. But truly he has been in wonderful spirits and we cannot complain at all.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Truman's First Tooth!

Jerry and I discovered a little white nubby thingy in Truman's mouth today! He cut his first tooth!!! We are both delighted and a little scared...our little one is growing too quickly, he needs to slow down. Gone is the day of his beautiful toothless grin. We've been lucky though, other than a little fussiness over the past few days (which we thought was cold related) he did not develop a fever or have any other symptoms. He had been drooling a lot lately and loved to chew on things...Baba was 100% right when she told me last week that he would have a tooth by the end of this week!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Rudolph is back

My poor boys are both fighting colds, not the best way to start off 2007. Jerry started to feel under the weather on our drive home from the Sullivan's on New Year's Eve. Truman started coughing on Tuesday and his nose has been bright red! Somehow I have managed not to develop any symptoms, although I have been a little tired this week.

On Monday Jerry and I had a very restful day. Wawa and David came to pick up the kids and took them for a nice long walk. Then we all went out for dinner and we were joined by Baba too! Tuesday Truman and I had more of a lazy day...we took a nice long walk in the morning and caught up on phone calls in the afternoon. Yesterday Nanny and Oopa came by for a visit. We went to Pickle Barrel for an enjoyable lunch and then walked around the mall for a bit.
We have a busy weekend ahead with cousin Joachim coming back into town as well as other out of town guests coming to meet the two boys. Should be a lot of fun!