Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween

Paging Dr. Topolski, Dr. Topolski you are needed in the OR stat! This year we decided to take Truman trick-or-treating with his girlfriend Grace. Truman was dressed as "Dr. Topolski" the surgeon, or vet...we really hadn't decided. Morrie was a lion (like every year) and Grace was a chicken. If Truman was a vet he'd have his fair share of animals to operate on! We managed to go to a total of three houses in the span of an hour, but met a few other parents in the neighbourhood who had children our age.

Truman had fun running on the street and had no desire to be carried. He wasn't sure what to make of all the strangers we met in weird costumes. I wore a mask with feathers which I think freaked him out a little. I even tried Morrie's costume on Truman at some point in the evening.


Tuesday, October 30, 2007

14 Months

Yesterday Truman turned 14 months! Seriously, time is passing us by so quickly, especially since I returned to work. I can't believe I have been back now for almost a month and I think as a family we are in a nice routine. It breaks my heart to think of what little time we have together and I eagerly wait for the weekend to arrive. Truman is loving day care these days and runs to his room every morning. Makes things much easier on me!

In the evenings when we are together, Truman tries to make as much mess as possible. He loves to throw toys all over the place and delights in the noises he can make. He never tires of putting things in a box only to dump everything back on the floor again. Every cupboard contains a new surprise, something special to discover. He loves to hide in crevices and play peek-a-boo. He is my little monkey and has trouble sitting still, even for a moment!

The most surprising thing to me is the Truman has become a picky eater, well a picky eater at home. His teachers tell me constantly what a good eater he is, but come dinner time he would rather throw his food on the floor and play with it than eat it. Maybe he is testing his boundaries with me? Or, maybe he isn't that hungry? Hmmmm....I need to investigate further.

Truman is getting another molar, is it possible? I think he has gotten at least one or two new teeth every week for the past few weeks. You wouldn't know it from his moods or behaviour....thank goodness!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Single Motherhood

This week my dear husband is away on business and I am a single mom. Surprisingly, so far so good! Not that this is the first time I have been home alone...but the first time I have been home alone for this long with a toddler! Morning number one was a little tough trying to get ready while Truman pulled everything out of every drawer in the house. Morning number two I got a little more organized and ensured that Truman was kept busy while I finished getting ready. We will see what tomorrow will bring.

Our evenings have been quite busy...Tuesday night we went to the Annual General Meeting at our daycare. Truman had a great time at the potluck dinner. He went up to all of his teachers and demanded hugs and ate food of their plates. He also loved running around the room with a chicken finger in each hand. Tonight, my parents came over for dinner and we then took Truman and Morrie for a nice walk. Tomorrow night aunt Misty will be staying with us until Saturday. Thank goodness for aunt Misty!

Here are some pictures of Truman after his bath this evening.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

A Belated Thanksgiving Feast

Tonight we celebrated Thanksgiving with my family....I know it is a few weeks late, but my parents were both away and this was the first weekend that we could all get together as a family. And what a feast we had! Truman (and Jerry) especially loved the pumpkin cheesecake Tina baked. Mom - I noticed the extra cake you kept feeding my little one!!

While at my parents, Truman had a whole new place to discover as a moving toddler. He loved playing the organ, opening all the cupboards, walking up and down the stairs, and pushing the garbage can all over the house. What a busy time for all. Of course, Truman enjoyed entertaining everyone at dinner. Morrie feasted on whipped potatoes and anything else that ended up on the floor from Truman's tray!

Monday, October 15, 2007


Over the last few weeks Truman has been identified as a girl...I have been getting more and more comments like "she really likes that" and "oh look at her go!". Comments like these are understandable when a child is a few weeks or even a few months, when it can be hard to tell, or if the child is wearing gender-neutral colours. My child is always dressed like a boy. Well, except for the time I dressed him in a pink button down Polo shirt, and maybe then I could understand. But I attribute it to be a lack of taste since pink is the new blue for men. Anyways, my belief is, if you are unsure, keep the gender terms out of it. How hard is it to say "Oh! Your baby really seems to enjoy music", or "How old is your baby?". Besides, Truman looks like a BOY!!! Always has! OK, maybe the kid needs a hair cut, but he still looks like a boy...

So, what have we been up to? This weekend we took Truman to his first music class. He enjoyed running around the room, trying to open the door and maybe sat down (read: held down) log enough t0 enjoy some of the songs. He was too busy trying to cozy up to the instructor and play with all the kids.

We were bad parents on Sunday and skipped swimming lessons and decided to take a nice long walk instead. I miss walking everyday with Truman, I do try to get out often, but not as much as when I was home.

Last weekend Truman was able to identify an apple and name it! We were such proud parents! His new favourite thing to do is imitate Morrie and eat food particles off the floor and high chair. Nice! Although he is also into hugging Morrie as part of our morning ritual.

Truman's Oopa (my father) came home from Europe today and brought such beautiful gifts for him. Thank you everyone! The gifts were beautiful and he loves them already! Truman was a little distant from his Oopa at first, but by the end of the evening he had Oopa playing "row row row your boat" with him, which seems to be these days his favourite song. He will take us by the hands and say something that sounds like "row" and start rocking back and forth. Adorable!

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Turkey Weekend

Happy Thanksgiving! Thank goodness the weekend of gorging is almost over. Truman tried pumpkin pie for the first time this evening and loved it!

Friday night we had a wonderful dinner with Grandma, Grandpa and Baba. Truman decided it would be great fun to touch everything in site in Grandma's neighbourhood. Truman was running up and down the street while we were waiting for Jerry and Grandpa to get home.

Saturday we met up with Pam, Ashu and Ana-Sophia for brunch at our favourite place, the Pickle Barrel! Truman was well behaved until the end of the meal when he was bored of sitting in his high chair any longer! Ana-Sophia was an angel and slept through brunch.

Today we started swimming lessons again and Truman had fun splashing around with his daddy. He had no trouble putting his face in the water and almost put his head under without any fear! This afternoon we took the kids to the park to let them run around. I am not sure who was more excited, Morrie or Truman. Truman now starts "barking" when he sees another's so adorable!

Truman is getting a few more molars, two which are peeking through which will bring him up to twelve teeth. Although, all his molars are on one side. He doesn't seem to be bothered by them, except that he is enjoying biting on everything, including me. Something we have to remedy sooner rather than later.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Blame it on Heroes

Blame it on Heroes! I apologize for not updating the blog sooner, but my nights have been occupied by trying to catch up with the series. Finally, I am up to date and ready to blog again.

So, let's see, where do I begin? I started back at work on Monday, and honestly after two days I feel as though I never left! Truman is adjusting better to day care (although he still gets rather upset when we drop him off in the morning). At least he no longer screams when I pick him up in the afternoon. Our nights are spent playing and hugging non-stop. My little one has definitely become more clingy since he has started day care. It is still so hard to leave him, but we are both adjusting to the changes.

On Saturday, we went to Tim Horotn's for our weekly bagels and then ventured to a garage sale in the neighbourhood. In the afternoon, we went house hunting and then we headed to Oakville to meet Troy. Congratulations Scott and Myriah! We were so excited to meet the newest addition of the Sullivan clan. Troy is a beautiful baby and did not make a peep the entire evening. Mom and Dad are both doing well and look great.

On Sunday, Truman and Jerry came downtown with me while I ran for the cure with Tina and Misty. Truman enjoyed cheering on all the runners. Later, we met up with Ryan, Rebecca, and Jake and decided to take advantage of the nice weather and went out for dinner on the patio at one of our favourite restaurants. The boys, as always were angels and had a lot of fun sharing their dinner.