Jerry, Truman and I started the holidays with a lovely brunch at the Sullivan's on Saturday afternoon. The Thornton's and the Deans' were also in attendance. Yummy food was had by all!
On Christmas Eve Truman, Jerry and I had a wonderful lunch with David, Wawa, and Peter. Truman was so cute sitting in his Bumbo at the table, he really enjoys being a social butterfly! We then raced
Truman had a difficulty sleeping on Christmas Eve, his eczema was really bothering him and he kept scratching his face. Jerry and I felt so sorry for him and we had a hard time soothing him. It almost seemed like the cream we were using agitated him more. His skin does not seem to be getting any better and he now has figured out he can scratch his own face.
Tina and Pat spent most of the day preparing a Christmas feast for the family. Wanda and David also joined us and it was a pleasant evening. Of course, everyone wanted to hold Truman and topic of conversation generally flowed around him.
Despite having a wonderful holiday, Truman has had a difficult few days. Last night Truman was put in his crib for the first time. The first hour was great, Jerry and I could hardly believe it. We started to think that this was going to be an easy feat! Boy were we wrong! From about 10:30pm until 4:00am he was up almost every 10 minutes to half an hour. I moved myself into his room and slept on a makeshift bed to try to get even 20 minutes of sleep. Jerry woke me up at about 7am and Truman was thankfully still sleeping. He got up around 8am (probably because he was hungry) and then we slept in our bed until late this morning. Wow is this going to be tough. I am happy that I was able to sleep for a little bit. I hope tonight will be a little easier but I am afraid that the worst is not over yet. I have to keep thinking that this is for Truman's sake and that the longer we wait the more difficult this will become. I was heartbroken putting him to sleep in his crib last night. Every time I would put his soother back in his mouth he had a death grip on my hands. Which made my heart break a little more. Stay tuned!!
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