Tuesday, October 30, 2007

14 Months

Yesterday Truman turned 14 months! Seriously, time is passing us by so quickly, especially since I returned to work. I can't believe I have been back now for almost a month and I think as a family we are in a nice routine. It breaks my heart to think of what little time we have together and I eagerly wait for the weekend to arrive. Truman is loving day care these days and runs to his room every morning. Makes things much easier on me!

In the evenings when we are together, Truman tries to make as much mess as possible. He loves to throw toys all over the place and delights in the noises he can make. He never tires of putting things in a box only to dump everything back on the floor again. Every cupboard contains a new surprise, something special to discover. He loves to hide in crevices and play peek-a-boo. He is my little monkey and has trouble sitting still, even for a moment!

The most surprising thing to me is the Truman has become a picky eater, well a picky eater at home. His teachers tell me constantly what a good eater he is, but come dinner time he would rather throw his food on the floor and play with it than eat it. Maybe he is testing his boundaries with me? Or, maybe he isn't that hungry? Hmmmm....I need to investigate further.

Truman is getting another molar, is it possible? I think he has gotten at least one or two new teeth every week for the past few weeks. You wouldn't know it from his moods or behaviour....thank goodness!

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