Sunday, November 05, 2006

I'm a big boy now!

Last night, we visited our good friends the Sullivans. Little Ethan and Olivia were wonderful as always and much time was spent discussing our upcoming trip together to Florida. Truman has had quite a busy weekend (as always!), he was in dad's office twice working on some research that needed to be done asap. He also spent some time shopping as he had to exchange his new jacket as a button had fallen off.

On another note, little Truman has learned to laugh out loud and smile. His days are now filled with ear to ear grins, and he's even sleeping better as well. Next week he should be ready to take Morrie for his first walk by himself.

Morrie has also really just discovered Truman. They are starting to play together (in that Morrie wants to play with him), and the other day Truman got his first I love You licks from Morrie. Yes baba, we did wash his hands right away!

1 comment:

Misty said...

Truman, please don't forget that you spent some time in my office this past Friday pooping and giggling it up!!! I know I won't soon forget it!