Yesterday Truman started to crawl, instead of just pulling himself along commando style. On Thursday evening I put a trail of food on the floor in hopes of enticing my son. Not to say that he is the most graceful crawler yet (he keeps one knee off the ground). But, he has learned he can now move himself places (wherever Mommy is) and get to objects of his desire (again, Mommy). He especially likes to pull himself up on his highchair.
Saturday we are off to get baby proofing supplies! He has already discovered a few drawers with some choice items in it, none in which are appropriate for young children to be playing with!
Today, because of his new found skill, Truman decided that he did not want to nap. I took him for a walk this morning in hopes that he would sleep in the stroller and he did but for only a half hour or so....not long enough. This afternoon I tried again. The little Tdot just wanted to stand up in his crib and could not figure out how to get back down. I can't tell you how many times I went into his room to lie him back down. Tonight, it wasn't any different when I tried to put him to bed for the night. My usual wonderful sleeper decided that sleep was not on his agenda. It took him an hour and a half to go to sleep most of which he was crying in hysterics. Poor kid.
Today was Morrie's birthday! HAPPY 3rd BIRTHDAY MORRIE! Here are some pics of the kids playing outside today!
Congratulations on your new mobility Truman. Christine was the same type of crawler as he is - the awkward one leg crawling, one leg walking. She also went through a period of standing in her crib instead of napping - hopefully it will only last a week or two.
Hi Michele,
You don't know me but we have a common friend - Stephanie. I'm a faithful reader of Steph's blog and have seen your cute little Truman on there a couple of times. Steph and the kids came by yesterday for a visit and mentioned that Truman and my daughter, Maja (pronounced My-ya) are very similar these days (they are only a couple of days apart in age). Maja has started the whole crawling and standing in the crib & not knowing how to get down stage too. Although after 2 weeks or so it seems to be subsiding a bit.
Anyhow, love your blog and your son is a real cutie!
Erin & Maja
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