Thursday, July 19, 2007

Step One, Step Two

Truman has decided that crawling is so passe and that he would rather be upright every chance he can get. He especially loves to climb up my legs so that I have no choice but to grab his hands and help him walk around. On Monday, he took his first two steps unassisted. He is becoming more fearless every day....or maybe more in dependant! Which leads me to eating...gone are the days of spoon feeding my little one. Truman would rather feed himself, so I have been giving him a lot of finger foods. But now he also wants to use his spoon himself. Mealtime is no longer clean or neat (or quick) is everywhere, one me, on the floor, on Morrie's back...and of course all over Truman. Doesn't his tray just look delish?

I wanted to say a special thank you to Misty for helping Jerry and I so much on Saturday at the BBQ. Whenever Misty would like to quit her job and come be our nanny/au pair, she should let us know as we would take her in a heart beat!

1 comment:

Misty said...

I would love to be Tdot's Nanny! But seriously, no need to thank me (thanks though!) as I love spending time with the little guy!