Wednesday, January 17, 2007

All Night Long...

Truman started sleeping again in his crib on Friday night and as I mentioned in a previous blog he was having a little difficulty. Last night however, he slept through the night! Jerry and I were both so pleased! He was a little fussy at around 3am, but we decided to push him a little more and the next thing I knew it was 5:30am! I hope tonight is a repeat performance. He fell asleep so quickly this evening, basically I put him down and he was asleep in less than 2 minutes! My son is sleeping in his crib and sleeping well!!! It is also really nice having Jerry back in our bed. Although, tonight I am alone as Jerry is in Montreal.

Truman and I have had a busy week so far. Sunday afternoon Wawa had a party for Joachim and Truman. Both boys were on their best behaviour and loved being center of attention. Thanks Wawa for hosting such a wonderful party, it was so nice to see everyone again. On Monday we had Salsa Babies and had a great time dancing with Joachim and Anya. Truman and I are going to miss them next week as they are heading back to Belgium on Saturday. Tuesday Truman and I had some errands to run during the day and then we headed to aunt Misty's house to have our "Christmas"....yes it is a few weeks late but between colds and busy schedules we finally got together for our gift exchange. Once again, Truman was a spoiled boy! This morning we were up bright and early for a new group called "Making the Connection" with Rebecca, Jake, Bronna and Macayla. Then of course we went out for lunch and the kids were wonderful! Truman insisted on being out of his car seat so he could look around and chat with everyone. Macayla and Jake both were angels. Nanny and Oopa then came over for a visit and we went for a nice walk in the beautiful sunshine!

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