Monday, August 11, 2008

Cookie Monster

Truman's new best friend is a little blue monster in a red sweater. This weekend Cookie accompanied us almost everywhere. On Saturday morning, Cookie had to come to Tim Horton's for breakfast. Truman insisted that Cookie wear shoes - and luckily I was able to improvise fast enough and used a pair of small infant socks as shoes. Cookie sat in the stroller and then in the high chair at Tim Horton's. Cookie even had some of Truman's bagel.

At the dinner table Cookie uses Truman's high chair, watches TV with Truman and even came grocery shopping with us this evening. Cookie even tried watermelon tonight! As you can see from all the pictures Cookie does whatever Truman does.

I apologize for the lack of blogging lately - but with packing and getting ready for our move on Thursday - I have had such little time. I am exhausted but did not want to miss out on documenting this milestone.

1 comment:

Misty said...

So cute! I have the top pic as my desktop picture now.