Thursday, October 21, 2010

Begging for Donuts

Almost every Saturday morning we head to Tim Horton's for breakfast. We have been doing this since Truman was able to eat bagels and possibly even before. We now have our close friends and neighbours the Smith's join us. The three older boys (Harry, Truman and Jude) share a sprinkle donut, that is until the youngest child took notice, and wow does he notice. Not only does he want in on the deal, we often have to hide the donut until he finishes his bagel. My youngest son has a sweet tooth! He loves Tim Horton's so much that even when we are out for a walk and we pass the restaurant he starts to shake in anticipation of getting a timbit (please note I hardly oblige). Earlier this week we were playing at the park. All of a sudden Oliver gets up and starts walking towards a woman with a Tim Horton's bag. My child starts begging her for some and didn't stop until he left with half a chocolate donut in hand. Yikes!

On Monday Oliver had his 15 month appointment. We were not surprised to find out that Oliver weighed 25 lbs and is 77 cm in length. Funny however, this puts him only at the 50th percentile for weight. Who are these other babies? I want to know! Oliver didn't even flinch when he received his first shot, the second one sent him in hysterics and into my arms. Poor thing.

Earlier this week we had our first library class and I had my first glimpse of Oliver following in his brother's footsteps. Wow did my son put on the charm. He hardly sat on my lap, but instead worked the room. He sat with the teacher, danced around to the music and checked out the other kids. The only time he would come to me was for a hug now and again. By the end of the class, everyone knew Oliver's name!

Truman has been such a delight lately! Funny how right now, Oliver is the more difficult child. Other than not listening to me, Truman has become, shall I say, almost easy? He is kind and helpful to his little brother, wants to help me out in the kitchen, and he is very interested in doing his homework every night. So much so that on Friday night when my parents were babysitting, Truman had gone up to bed and then told his grandmother that he couldn't go to sleep yet because he needed to finish his homework first! My mother told him it was Friday and that he had the whole weekend to complete it which seemed to satisfy him. Hopefully, when he is in high school he will still have the same attitude. I can only hope!

Monday, October 04, 2010

Fall Fun

This past weekend, the family went on our annual trip to Chudleigh's Apple Farm. This year we unfortunately were minus two family members. My mom couldn't come as she was sick and my dear hubby had a work function. It was blistering cold and felt a little more like winter than fall. Good thing we all brought hats and mits to keep us warm. But nothing could keep us away from picking some more delicious apples. Avery and Truman had so much fun playing together, feeding the animals and just being little monkeys. I can only imagine how much fun it will be next year when there are four little boys running around!
What else has been happening this fall? Well for starters, Truman got his first goal in soccer. We were all so proud of him! Although, he did pick up the ball, run to the net, put the ball down and kick it into goal. A goal is still a goal, especially at this age. He was beaming!

The last few Friday afternoons after school, I have taken the boys to Sherway Farmers' Market. Truman, Oliver and I meet Tina and Avery there for some shopping and then lunch. Truman loves to pick out a type of fruit or veggie to take home. Tina bought him a pumpkin on our first excursion and he has wanted to bring one home every week since! Sad that the market is only open until the end of October. Only a couple more weeks to bring home the harvest!

Oliver has changed so much in the past few weeks. It is amazing the independence that walking has created. He seems so much more confident in himself and is turning into a toddler. Oh how sad and exciting at the same time. Oliver insists on trying to use a spoon and fork at meal times, which can be quite messy at times. If Truman does something, Oliver copies his every move. My oh my is my youngest son strong. If he wants to get into something (usually a cupboard) he wont hesitate to push me away! Strong like ox!

Oliver continues to be sweet as ever and gives the best snuggles. However, according to my sister, he does seem to have a mischievous or adventurous side. The other day I found him climbing up on the piano stool, just standing there, on top of it. You see he saw Truman do it a few days before. So, I am sure he was thinking, if my brother can do it, why can't I?